On this pageDonation/Sponsorship Form, Online Contribution, Vendor Form

Business Owner,


When you partner with High Noon you receive a two fold reward.  Affordable advertisment for your business and the ability to give back to your community.

  • I'm sure you know that women are usually the decision makers in their home for products and services

  • Check it out for yourself, Time Magazine article:   https://www.time.com/time/interactive/0,31813,2031700,00.html

  • High Noon offers affordable marketing for your business through our sponsorship packages
  • Did you know that Stress contributes to the #1 killer of women, Heart Disease --- There is a simple solution can lower that rate one woman at a time. 

  • Did you know that a United kingdom researcher has dubbed stress as the 21st century Black Death/Bubonic Plaque

  • ​Did you also know that according to the world renowned Mayo Clinic, LAUGHTER is therapeutic and a healthy deterrent to relieve stress. 

Some may take it lightly but stress is a silent killer and women need a way to unwind to be the best they can be.


That is the reason HIGH NOON exits!  Our goal is to provide women with a much needed time to rejuvenate, revive and refresh themselves; therefore, they will be better for their families, communities and careers.  We exist to provide women with an atmosphere conducive to alleviate the negative effects of STRESS as well as to celebrate their resilience.


Your sponsorship and or donation will afford us the opportunity to provide High Noon as a FREE community event to tackle the issue of stress.  


Thank you for helping us help others!!

Please see Sponsorship link to the right for more details. 


Click Here to Donate and or be a Sponsor!

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VENDOR Application

Vendor Form 2012.pdf (299 kB)

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NO Drama * NO Children * NO Spouse * NO Worries * NO Charge